Thursday, June 6, 2019

Perjury police, fraud emails

Perjury police and their fraud Yahoo email address are the only things crazy. I'm not crazy. I have no doubt.

I've been qualified as a journalist since 1990. I vote Internet party. There is nothing crazy about my writing and research either. The perjury police should be detained without charge, not me. I want charges of perjury, fraud and looting against these corrupt individuals in the NZ police. The lies and slander, victim blaming fraud is toxic and dangerous. Sadistic horror.

Condemned to death, based on dirty lies that nameless mates of Mike Chron and Milton Weir, sacked Christchurch police with gym memberships and guns,  spread around. And their many pink pawns. They threaten and complain in the same breath.

I was arrested without charge, I'm being detained without charge in the most dangerous place in Christchurch New Zealand. Based on perjury police lies and their politically motivated hate crimes.

I want out of here as soon as possible. Having the radio loud in your home is not a jailable offense. No one will dictate me and my work. Tell me what to read, write, research and who to vote for. That's a horror movie situation. Obliteration of my basic human rights. Discredit, dehumanize, de civilianize me and my work.

Lies and slander are not excuses to do violent crime. Forced associations marriage is illegal. The laws will be enforced. Far right Nazi extremist cops are not above the law. I'm not a crazy whore breakdown,  as the perjury police frauds,  Fakebook, Twitter sites and Yahoo email address suggest. ID theft fraud does not make me a crazy fictional character.

Bye bye bullies. Bullying won't replace voting. I went from a house full of possessions to a van full. Years of writing and research looted by these Nazi cops. They should be charged with looting,  it's illegal and nasty. I don't want to be a Nazi.

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