Christchurch insight
10 June 2019
Today you don't have to be Jewish or gypsy. Anyone that's a non Nazi or does not support the new Nazi movement is a target, crazy and lootable, torturable. That's why right wing people are targets too. Not right wing enough. They even murdered a woman in the National party. Forced her to kill herself.
There is some proof that terrorists are being trained by this new Nazi movement. New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide in the world, by far. There are Nazis without a party who have NZ government jobs. The pressure on the kids is immense. Extremism is the problem. Kids in NZ are no crazier than kids anywhere else in the world. Far right extremist Nazi types should be banned from NZ govt jobs. I was calling for this, when they took revenge on me. I've been kidnapped, arrested without charge, detained without charge for weeks now. I have no access to my ID documents, journalism research card index, computer or books, or clothes.
Some of the local cops are Nazis. More right wing that ACT, Conservatives or Alt right. Nazis without a party. I suspect they will become a branch of the newly set up Australian Nazi party, and operate in NZ. Rather than starting a new NZ Nazi party. The leader if the old NZ Nazi party is Alt right now, he votes within the system. If people are angry at all right wing, non Nazis, your just doing their job for them. Miss the point. Part if why I'm explaining this from a Christchurch New Zealand perspective. Rogue SAS are Nazis. Some NZers, not all white, were real Nazis in WW2. A big secret.
I was adopted in 1962 in NZ. As far as I know I was born here, my birth family were born here too. My adoped Grandmother was a suspected enemy alien, or Nazi, a Von. So was Emily Cole, a Fencible, yet a Nazi? Relative of my adopted father. People have been suspected of being enemy aliens and never proven. So families today still pay. My father was a Freemason. This whole Von Freemason thing is part of it. My birth family, mother and sister are missing people after a holiday to Australia.
I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. I vote Internet party. Just before I got detained without charge, I was asking to be a candidate in the internet party. Trying to get certain Christchurch police charged with perjury, fraud, looting and false arrest. I have also been suggesting some people resign, for their extremist activity. Forced association marriage is a crime. They are not above the law.
Somehow the laws will be enforced.
I self censor and don't even put a cartoon of a gun on my blogs. I don't want to get arrested. Detained without charge. Lies and slander, victim blaming fraud. Not an excuse to do serious crimes against me or others. I am not crazy, I have no doubt. Mike Chron and Milton Weir were sacked from Christchurch police. Their nameless anonymous mates and their pink pawns are behind my detention in the most dangerous place in Christchurch New Zealand. They should be in a new wing at the high security jail for NZ war criminals not arresting me without charge.
I have no tatoos and I've never been to jail. I have been a victim of crime, not a worker. Illegally banned from working at any job, abuse of power by Nazi cops. Individuals, agenda pushing Nazis without a party do these crimes too. I read, write, research and blog. Earlier I sent a manuscript to a publisher, I got kinapped and tortured. Given the vegetable treatment. Today instead of torture I get the horror movie treatment. Having no say in your own life is a horror movie. Banned from cutting my toe nails or using mouthwash, for example. Not healthy as far as I'm concerned. No access to my possessions. I went from a house full to a van/room full. Now these corrupt cops want to loot my van full too. All because I suggested they resign.
I want out of here as soon as possible. I still have a lease until mid July. No excuses. I want my freedom back. I want my life back, my human rights back. I've done nothing wrong. I'm not a criminal. I'm not crazy, there is nothing crazy about my research and writing.
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