Saturday, June 1, 2019

Arrested detained without charge

I want out of here as soon as possible.

I've been brutally arrested from my home and detained without charge.

I've been qualified as a journalist since 1990. I'm not a teen. When I transcribe news off radio, it's accurate, so are sources and spelling.

The perjury police tell lies, say I'm hearing voices. Nothing could be further from the truth. If they get charged with perjury, all else should fall into place. They lie to judges and courts too.

Mike Chron. Milton Weir. Their mates and their pink pawns. They are behind me being detained here, lied to, lied about and looted. Years of writing and research looted. The same perjury police and their dangerous lies are behind this. Lie and loot.

They call me crazy, whore breakdown. These same perjury police ran frauds. As fraud Yahoo email address. Fraud fakebook and twitter. ID theft frauds. Politically motivated hate crimes. Forced association marriage is illegal. More crimes the same nameless, perjury police do.

Christchurch New Zealand. I've given up bring a victim of their horror. They will never do those crimes again. I've been calling for far right, Nazi extremists to be banned from government jobs. A new law. Also laws against hate crimes and  Victim blaming. This started way before the latest terror crimes.

These perjury police get revenge on me. Lie and loot. Telling the truth and wanting to stay alive is not crazy or a crime. Two perjury police got the sack from Christchurch police in history. Today I get lied about, lied to and looted. The same perjury police are behind this. Discredit, dehumanize, de civilianize and if they could, fire drones though my window. They try and forced me, into as horror situation with their Nazi pawn gang mate. I have no tatoos and I've never been to jail. Ridiculous. They are not above the law. Perjury may just be a start to their charges. I'm not the only victim.

I want out of here as soon as possible. Arrested and detained without charge. I am not crazy. I have no doubt. Lies and slander, victim blaming fraud. There is no excuse for looting. No onion, no tears, no breakdown.

Just before this happened  I was asking to be a candidate in the Internet party, who I vote for. Another reason to discredit me with lies and slander. It's political, always has been, always will be. I dont want to be a Nazi. It's not compulsory to be a Nazi in Christchurch.

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