Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Медиакомпании согласовали руководство по освещению процесса над предполагаемым убийцей из Крайстчерча | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Медиакомпании согласовали руководство по освещению процесса над предполагаемым убийцей из Крайстчерча | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Islamic State leader appears in first video in five years | RNZ News

Islamic State leader appears in first video in five years | RNZ News

Операция Burnham: запрос вряд ли услышит от афганских жителей / Новости РНЗ

Операция Burnham: запрос вряд ли услышит от афганских жителей / Новости РНЗ

Операция Burnham: запрос вряд ли услышит от афганских жителей / Новости РНЗ

Операция Burnham: запрос вряд ли услышит от афганских жителей / Новости РНЗ

Человек сталкивается с зарядами оружия после того, как подозреваемая бомба найдена | Новости РНЗ

Человек сталкивается с зарядами оружия после того, как подозреваемая бомба найдена | Новости РНЗ

Мадуро поздравил военных с "разгромом" попытки переворота, поскольку Гуайдо призывает к новым протестам — RT World News

Мадуро поздравил военных с "разгромом" попытки переворота, поскольку Гуайдо призывает к новым протестам — RT World News

Venezuela foreign minister says Maduro in control, blames Washington for violence

Глава МИД Венесуэлы заявил, что Мадуро контролирует ситуацию, обвиняет Вашингтон в насилии

Hikers who found ute of missing woman Jess Boyce told police to bring dogs / Stuff.co.nz

Hikers who found ute of missing woman Jess Boyce told police to bring dogs / Stuff.co.nz

Полиция Новой Зеландии арестовала мужчину после угрозы взрыва в Крайстчерче | Новости | Al Jazeera

Полиция Новой Зеландии арестовала мужчину после угрозы взрыва в Крайстчерче | Новости | Al Jazeera

Станет ли Венесуэла южноамериканским Афганистаном? / Латинская Америка | Аль-Джазира

Станет ли Венесуэла южноамериканским Афганистаном? / Латинская Америка | Аль-Джазира

Президент Венесуэлы Мадуро выступил с обращением к "народу и миру Венесуэлы" - Sputnik International

Президент Венесуэлы Мадуро выступил с обращением к "народу и миру Венесуэлы" - Sputnik International

Последние продажи Blackwater founder: наемники для свержения венесуэльского режима - Новости США - Haaretz.com

Последние продажи Blackwater founder: наемники для свержения венесуэльского режима - Новости США - Haaretz.com

Столкновения как лидер венесуэльской оппозиции Guaidó ведет военное восстание против Мадуро - мировые новости - Haaretz.com

Столкновения как лидер венесуэльской оппозиции Guaidó ведет военное восстание против Мадуро - мировые новости - Haaretz.com

Столкновения как лидер венесуэльской оппозиции Guaidó ведет военное восстание против Мадуро - мировые новости - Haaretz.com

Столкновения как лидер венесуэльской оппозиции Guaidó ведет военное восстание против Мадуро - мировые новости - Haaretz.com

(233) посол Венесуэлы в ООН: США ведут себя как страна-изгои-YouTube

(233) посол Венесуэлы в ООН: США ведут себя как страна-изгои-YouTube

(233) Venezuelan ambassador to the UN: The United States is acting like a rogue nation - YouTube

(233) Venezuelan ambassador to the UN: The United States is acting like a rogue nation - YouTube

Сирия нам на Голанских высотах: "вы можете дать Израилю Северную и Южную Каролину" - Sputnik International

Сирия нам на Голанских высотах: "вы можете дать Израилю Северную и Южную Каролину" - Sputnik International

UNC Charlotte on Lockdown, Multiple People Reportedly Shot (PHOTOS, VIDEO) - Sputnik International

UNC Charlotte on Lockdown, Multiple People Reportedly Shot (PHOTOS, VIDEO) - Sputnik International

UNC Charlotte on Lockdown, Multiple People Reportedly Shot (PHOTOS, VIDEO) - Sputnik International

UNC Charlotte on Lockdown, Multiple People Reportedly Shot (фото, видео) - Sputnik International

Почему старейшая в мире наследственная монархия просто позволила императору уйти в отставку - история

Почему старейшая в мире наследственная монархия просто позволила императору уйти в отставку - история

Wolf at the Door: Prospects of US Military Intervention in Venezuela | Venezuelanalysis.com

Wolf at the Door: Prospects of US Military Intervention in Venezuela | Venezuelanalysis.com

Venezuela: Military Uprising in Caracas (in Development) | Venezuelanalysis.com

Venezuela: Military Uprising in Caracas (in Development) | Venezuelanalysis.com

Новый отчет watchdog осуждает " вращающуюся дверь’ между Пентагоном и оборонными подрядчиками

Новый отчет watchdog осуждает " вращающуюся дверь’ между Пентагоном и оборонными подрядчиками

U.S. Gears Up for War on Venezuela

U.S. Gears Up for War on Venezuela

Сможет ли Венесуэла и ее соседи пережить грядущую войну?, Тьерри Мейссан

Сможет ли Венесуэла и ее соседи пережить грядущую войну?, Тьерри Мейссан

Ужасное грядущее разрушение "Карибского бассейна", Тьерри Мейссан

Ужасное грядущее разрушение "Карибского бассейна", Тьерри Мейссан

Эксклюзив: Blackwater founder's latest sales pitch-наемники для Венесуэлы - Reuters

Эксклюзив: Blackwater founder's latest sales pitch-наемники для Венесуэлы - Reuters

Император Японии молится за мир в первом отречении за 200 лет - Reuters

Император Японии молится за мир в первом отречении за 200 лет - Reuters

США одобрили возможную продажу Тайваню военных на $ 500 млн: Пентагон - Reuters

США одобрили возможную продажу Тайваню военных на $ 500 млн: Пентагон - Reuters

Диалог по вопросам морской безопасности: беседа с Адм Уильямом Мораном, заместителем начальника управления Военно-морских операций / Центр стратегических и международных исследований

Диалог по вопросам морской безопасности: беседа с Адм Уильямом Мораном, заместителем начальника управления Военно-морских операций / Центр стратегических и международных исследований

Pentagon crafts options to counter Russian and Chinese influence in Venezuela - POLITICO

Пентагон предлагает варианты противодействия российскому и китайскому влиянию в Венесуэле - POLITICO

Пентагон предлагает варианты противодействия российскому и китайскому влиянию в Венесуэле - POLITICO

Пентагон предлагает варианты противодействия российскому и китайскому влиянию в Венесуэле - POLITICO

Гвайдо Венесуэлы призывает к военному восстанию в окружении солдат на авиабазе Каракас: "момент настал" | Fox News

Гвайдо Венесуэлы призывает к военному восстанию в окружении солдат на авиабазе Каракас: "момент настал" | Fox News

Putin builds his 'authoritarian axis': Kim Jong Un summit the latest move designed to damage US power abroad | Fox News

Putin builds his 'authoritarian axis': Kim Jong Un summit the latest move designed to damage US power abroad | Fox News

Союзники Венесуэлы готовы защищать посольство Вашингтона

Союзники Венесуэлы готовы защищать посольство Вашингтона: Союзники Венесуэлы готовы защищать посольство Вашингтона -

Принц Эрик толкает частных наемников в Венесуэле, чтобы выйти из тупика: репортаж | Fox News

Принц Эрик толкает частных наемников в Венесуэле, чтобы выйти из тупика: репортаж | Fox News

Принц Эрик толкает частных наемников в Венесуэле, чтобы выйти из тупика: репортаж | Fox News

Принц Эрик толкает частных наемников в Венесуэле, чтобы выйти из тупика: репортаж | Fox News

Пентагон приказал разработать военные планы противодействия России и Китаю в Венесуэле - мир-Коммерсантъ

Пентагон приказал разработать военные планы противодействия России и Китаю в Венесуэле - мир-Коммерсантъ

Man Planned to Bomb Nazi Rally For Christchurch Retribution | Time

Man Planned to Bomb Nazi Rally For Christchurch Retribution | Time

SunLive-полиция сделает запросы после взрыва пугают - новости залива первый

SunLive-полиция сделает запросы после взрыва пугают - новости залива первый

Взрывное устройство и боеприпасы, найденные на пустой собственности Крайстчерч | вещи.co.nz

Взрывное устройство и боеприпасы, найденные на пустой собственности Крайстчерч | вещи.co.nz

Правительство предлагает Таранаки земли нефтяникам в блоке предложение, но с жесткими новыми ограничениями, в том числе вблизи верхней серфинга перерывы - NZ Herald

Правительство предлагает Таранаки земли нефтяникам в блоке предложение, но с жесткими новыми ограничениями, в том числе вблизи верхней серфинга перерывы - NZ Herald

Monday, April 29, 2019

Man arrested after 'explosive device' found at Christchurch property - NZ Herald

Man arrested after 'explosive device' found at Christchurch property - NZ Herald

Саперы вызвали "инцидент"в Филлипстауне, Крайстчерч.co.nz

Саперы вызвали "инцидент"в Филлипстауне, Крайстчерч.co.nz

Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch | Stuff.co.nz

Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch | Stuff.co.nz

Man arrested after reports of suspicious items at Christchurch property | Newshub

Man arrested after reports of suspicious items at Christchurch property | Newshub

Kensington Palace удаляет твиты жертвы Крайстчерча после потенциального нарушения закона NZ / Newshub

Kensington Palace удаляет твиты жертвы Крайстчерча после потенциального нарушения закона NZ / Newshub

Улица оцеплена, поскольку полиция реагирует на инцидент в пригороде Крайстчерча Филлипстауна | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Улица оцеплена, поскольку полиция реагирует на инцидент в пригороде Крайстчерча Филлипстауна | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Столица Ливии почти каждый день подвергается ракетным и минометным обстрелам, говорят мирные жители: NPR

Столица Ливии почти каждый день подвергается ракетным и минометным обстрелам, говорят мирные жители: NPR

Полиция Крайстчерча отреагировала на инцидент в Филлипстауне, Новая Зеландия-сообщает-Sputnik International

Полиция Крайстчерча отреагировала на инцидент в Филлипстауне, Новая Зеландия-сообщает-Sputnik International

Как США стали убежищем для военных преступников | Новая Республика

Как США стали убежищем для военных преступников | Новая Республика

How the U.S. Became a Haven for War Criminals | The New Republic

How the U.S. Became a Haven for War Criminals | The New Republic

New Zealand-born euthanasia advocate Sean Davison charged with third murder in South Africa | Stuff.co.nz

New Zealand-born euthanasia advocate Sean Davison charged with third murder in South Africa | Stuff.co.nz

Лос-Анджелес террористический заговор: правоохранительные органы предотвращают атаки, направленные на " массовые жертвы’ | Новости Бостона 25

Лос-Анджелес террористический заговор: правоохранительные органы предотвращают атаки, направленные на " массовые жертвы’ | Новости Бостона 25

Los Angeles terror plot: Law enforcement prevents attack aimed at ‘mass casualties’ | Boston 25 News

Los Angeles terror plot: Law enforcement prevents attack aimed at ‘mass casualties’ | Boston 25 News

US army veteran's plan to bomb Nazi rally in revenge for Christchurch shootings | Stuff.co.nz

US army veteran's plan to bomb Nazi rally in revenge for Christchurch shootings | Stuff.co.nz

План ветерана армии США бомбить нацистский митинг в месть за расстрелы в Крайстчерче.co.nz

План ветерана армии США бомбить нацистский митинг в месть за расстрелы в Крайстчерче.co.nz

Восточное побережье Северного острова соскальзывает в большом замедленном землетрясении.co.nz

Восточное побережье Северного острова соскальзывает в большом замедленном землетрясении.co.nz

Премьер-министр Джасинда Ардерн встревожена тем, что открытая полицейская дверь позволяла кражу оружия | вещей.co.nz

Премьер-министр Джасинда Ардерн встревожена тем, что открытая полицейская дверь позволяла кражу оружия | вещей.co.nz

Старший национальный депутат Джудит Коллинз не исключит предложения Национального руководства - NZ Herald

Старший национальный депутат Джудит Коллинз не исключит предложения Национального руководства - NZ Herald

Больше не классифицируется: как американские военные проводили фактические военные игры ядерной войны в 1950-х годах | Национальный интерес

Больше не классифицируется: как американские военные проводили фактические военные игры ядерной войны в 1950-х годах | Национальный интерес

No Longer Classified: How the U.S. Military Conducted Actual Nuclear War 'Wargames in the 1950s | The National Interest

No Longer Classified: How the U.S. Military Conducted Actual Nuclear War 'Wargames in the 1950s | The National Interest

Трамп выходит из договора, призванного остановить продажу оружия террористам – мать Джонс

Трамп выходит из договора, призванного остановить продажу оружия террористам – мать Джонс

Май 2019: Кипр 356 до 2019 исследования

Май 2019: Кипр 356 до 2019 исследования

Cyprus 356 to 2019 research


21 July 365 – Kourian in 365 AD. 4th century AD. The ancient port town of Kourian. Archeology by David Soren after earthquake. The town was founded by the Greeks in the late bronze age. Earthquakes in 340 AD. An earthquake on 21 July 365 AD and.  tsunam.i Cyprus 324 to 374, collapse trapping people under rubble. So many skeletons were found during excavations. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 US).

670 AD – Skeletons were found under rubble, people and animals. Kourion. 670 AD earthquake in Kourian Cyrus. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 US)

12th century – Found in the monastery of Kykkos. 12th century mosaics, Noahs ark and. the great flood. (The biblical world. Jean Pierre Isbouts. (c)2007 US).

By the end of 17th century - Cotton as white gold. In 1607 settlers in Jamestown US grew cotton with seed from Cyprus. (Empire of cotton. Sven Bechard (c)2014 US).

1878 – Cyprus island became British in 1878, ceded by Turkey inhabited mainly by Greeks and Turks. (The momentous years ©1961 Priestly Betts).

1878 – Cyprus was British since 1878, traded with the Ottomans in exchange for support in a war against Russia. Jews turned back were settled in camps in Cyprus or returned to Germany. (Empires children ©2009 Anton Gil).

1878 – Cyprus was ceded to the British in 1878. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

1914-25 – In 1914 the British annexed Cyprus and in 1925 it was declared a British colony. (History Today. Oct 2014 UK).

1931 – The British govt in Cyprus, govt house in Nicosia was burnt down in Greek Cypriot riots. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

3 March 1943 – Michel Pantelides was born in Cyprus.

1945 - In 1945 Jerusalem codebreakers Sarahfand Palestine British base. Carle base in Cyprus... positions codebreakers intercepted Russian traffic. (Sinclair McKay. The spies of winter 2016).

Jan 1952 – Sigint operations in Cyprus, a big American Sigint operation hidden at Yerolakkos and Karavas outside Nicosia. Under cover of the FBIS codenamed Applesauce. (The hidden hand. Richard J Aldrich ©2001 UK).

1954 – Cyprus special branch was set up in 1954. The army did not trust the police, advisedly, prisoners escaped from detention camps easily. One of the key factions of the special branch was to try and identify those who had police rank. (The hidden hand. Richard J Aldrich ©2001 UK).

End 1954 – The Cyprus special branch was set up at the end of 1954, efforts of Alec MacDonald M15 officer, colonial office first secretary intel advisor. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

21 Aug 1954 – Report, security intel advisor MacDonald Cyprus. Dec 1955 AM MacDonald 8 Dec 1954. Governor of Cyprus 21 Aug 1954. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

1955 – War broke out in Cyprus. The British army and EOKA, who wanted to unite Cyprus with Greece and eject the British troops. Over 4 years 371 British troops died. EOKA was led by General Georgios Grivas and 108 men died. 200 Greek Cypriots died . (The new spy masters. Stephen Grey (c)2015 UK).

1955-58  Andrew Antoniades, nickname Keravnos in Cyprus. Born in 1932 Foini a village 15 miles north west of Limassol, Eoka. Grivas. War in  ... Troodos Cyprus 1955-58. 22 year old in 1955, born in Greece. Greek Cypriots. Eolas. (The new spymasters. Stephen Grey. 2015).

1955-60 – Between 1 April 1955 and 30 Nov 1956 Cyprus had 638 major explosions and 517 minor explosions and 488 unexploded bombs. Oct 1957 London’s policy of divide and rule, to maintain British operations in Cyprus. In April 1960 Cyprus became an independent republic. (The hidden hand. Richard J Aldrich ©2001 UK).

April 1955 – Final report by the security service advisor to the Cyprus police special branch. Nicosia. April 1955.Joint intel committee the situation in Cyprus 28 April 1958. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

4 Oct 1955 – In the Treodos mountains in Cyprus Stanley Hollowday, 52 years old, was chief engineer at an asbestos mine. Gunfire. The murderer was a Greek Cypriot, Andreas Antoniades, civil war between the British and EOKA in Cyprus. The Cyprus Mail. (The new spy masters. Stephen Grey (c)2015 UK).

1956-59 – Greek Cypriot archbishop Makarios wanted independence. The AKEL Communist party. The guerrilla army was led by colonel Grivas. By 1956 military included  40,000 British troops and a few hundred Grivas guerrillas.  Cyprus Governor was Sir Hugh Foot. 17 Jan 1959 Nicosia. (Spycatcher. Peter Wright. ©1987 UK).

Aug Sept 1956 – British SIS black propaganda radio stations based in Cyprus and Aden broadcast threats of attack against Israel by Egypt. (Secret wars. ©2009 G Thomas US).

30 Nov 1959 – Joint intel committee JIC. Cyprus intel organisation. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

12 Oct 1965 - Bombing killed all 66 passengers and crew. Wikipedia. Cyprus airways flight 284 over Mediterranean. Greece and Cyprus unsolved.

1968 – TW Adams. AJ Cottrell. Cyprus between east and west. Baltimore the John Hopkins press.

1968 - Unresolved mysteries. Lost US submarines. Wikipedia. 4 navy submarines went missing mysterious, 1968, 2 in the Mediterranean 2 days apart. the Israeli sub Dakar was found on the sea floor near Cyprus after 31 years. The French vessel Minerve went missing 25 miles. Has never been found.

22 May 1968 - Unresolved mysteries. Reddit. Archival post. 1968, 4 naval submarines vanished, mystery. 2 disappeared in the Mediterranean 2 days apart. Israeli sub Dakard was found on the seafloor near Cyprus after 31 years. French vessel Minerve vanished 25 miles from home port. Has never been found. Project Azorian. USS Scorpion SSN 589. 99 crew. USS Thresher. Wikipedia.

1974 - Northern Cyprus is Turkish. Avondale Auckland 1007 New Zealand. $14.00 buy now. Postage $1. Trade me NZ. 29 Jan 2018. Turkish republic northern Cyprus 1973. Postal New Zealand in 2013. Greek Turkish Cyprus.

1974 – Greek govt seized most of Cyprus and forced its president Archbishop Makarios out of office. (Secret wars. ©2009 G Thomas US).

1974 – Yarallakos Cyprus. NSA transfered to Ayios Nikolaos. (GCHQ Richard J Aldrich ©2010 UK).

1974 - CIA Greek cypriot Turkey a (Member of NATO). Took over northern Cyprus and turned it into a CIA spy base. Aanirfan.

1974-75 – Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots expelled each other from their parts of Cyprus. (Worse than war. David Jonah Goldhagen (c)2009 US).

1974-2009 - Code breakers Sigint submarines and aircraft. Gathering Sigint listen records. Cold war. Cheltenham code X device boffins computers high security classification Echelon Int network, UK US intel. Echelon worlds largest info vacuum cleaner. Communications 5 billion intercepts everyday NSA, Bases for listening stations, UK Cyprus US. 1974 UK base Cyprus. 2009 30 years later, Sigint grown in size. (GCHQ. 2010. Richard J Aldrich).

1976-2010 - Cold war espionage 1976 Duncan Campbell journalist Cyprus. 1982 Geoffrey Price Sigint satellites a mole recalled from inside British intel. Encypted emails. Bosnia.(GCHQ. Richard J Aldrich. 2010).

14 Feb 1988 – At the Cyprus port of Limassol, planted a bomb on a Volkswagon golf. Muhammad Tamimi of the PLO intifada. Libyan's who gave him $1 million for the PLO intifada. All 3 men were killed in the explosion that rocked the port. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

1990s - Property dealer Michael Olymbious went bankrupt, money owed to London Adams crime family. He went to Cyprus. A few years later he went to London, then the night before he was to return to Cyprus, he was getting out of his car, a bullet in his head. The Adams family took over Olymbious Beluga club in Finchley road in 1994 boxing at the club. (Gordon Bowers. Conspiracy of silence. 2015).

1990s 2014 - Cyprus Aug 2014. Offshore company with Mossack Fonseca. Shell company Prime asset partners ltd. British virgin islands. Cyprus. Petro Poroshenko pres of Ukraine. Poroshenko politics since late 1990. Leonid Kuchma was pres. Viktor Yanukovych. 2004 Poroshenko and the Orange revolution in Ukraine. (The Panama papers. BF Obermaier 2016).

1991-1992 - Julius Kroll in early 1992. Boris Yeltsin hired Kroll to track down billions worth of National assets that had gone missing after the collapse of Communism. $6 to $8 billion lost in 1991. As Communist Russians took money out of the imploding Soviet empire into personal bank accounts around the world. Kroll assaigned 15 agents to the Russian project, a former intel agent for the US treasury dept and the CIA former station chief in Kuwait. $1,500 cash was paid to Kroll a day. Seeking records fom Russia's major suppliers. Kroll told the New York Times. Food and oil field equipment. Major foreign importers, commodities. Outside Russia commodities trading was highly computerized, records exist. The record trail led Kroll to Cyprus and Monte carlo, where many Russian assets were hidden. Former Russian intel officers,  who remained anonymous, didnt trust Kroll. Kroll said money laundering  undertaken by Russian intel leaders. Within six months, Kroll ended its work.Turming over LEADS to the Kremlin. Russian officials were not happy with American investigators trolling their finances. CIA kept watch on how the power and money centers were fragmenting, Kroll hired veteran CIA officers. Tracing assets though a complicated series of international financial shells. Global wiretapping by NSA, and CIA tracking international banking transactions, tools in tracking global financial assets. Info an intel bonanza, corrupt contracts, dollar bribes, details of financial transactions. (Broker, trader, lawyer, spy. Eamon Javers. 2010).

1994 - Property dealer Michael Olymbious fled to Cyprus from the UK. In 1994 the Metro police UK and the property business. Sir Tom Hunter property tycoon. Tom Hunter and Philip Green property investments. Lord Andrew Hay 2004. Bill Clinton deals. (Gordon Bowers. Conspiracy of silence. Scot Young. 2015).

1996 – Angus James Wilson was killed in a suspicious car crash in Cyprus in 1996. Child sex abuse and the Westminster paedophile ring. Asil Nasr child porn.

1997 - KA Kyriakides. British cold war  ... the struggle to maintain military bases in Cyprus. PHD uni Cambridge.

1998 - R Holland. Britain and the revolt in Cyprus. Oxford uni press.

2001 - B OMalley. I Craig. The Cyprus companys American espionage and the Turkish invasion. IB Tauris.

2005-2006 - British Virgin islands tax haven. Scot Young 21 trillion in secret accounts. Shell company banks offshore. Jirehouse capital March 2006. 2005 Scot Young and Russian businessman Ruslan Fomichev, a Berezovsky business partner. 65 million pound deal Moscow. Offshore company in Cyprus called Parasol participations ltd. 12 companies and trusts. Cyprus, Russia, Leichtstein and the British virgin islands. 28 March 2006. Parasol Participations. Solar breeze ltd. 5 other companies registered in the British virgin islands, Monaco. (Gordon Bowers. 2015. Conspiracy of silence).

11 Sept 2006 – Cypriot police find Syrian arms ship.

15 Nov 2006 – Hand grenade thrown onto mans roof.

2007 – Communication facilities at Ayios Nikolaos on Cyprus supported covert ops in the Middle East, especially Iran. (Secret wars ©2009 G Thomas US).

April June 2007 - Andrey Pavlov. Yulia Mayorova to Cyprus on Aeroflot. In May 2007 Olga Stepanova Moscow tax office. Her husband Vladlen Stepanov went to Larnava Cyprus with Klyliev. On 4 June 2007 Lt Col Kuznetsou radar Moscow Hermitage fund investment fund. Seized computer records, documents. Firestone Duncan.

2009 - Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg is the largest shareholder in Bank of Cyprus. Dmitry Rybolovlev. Bank of Cyprus VEB ... Sergey Gorkov. RUSAL. Sual partners their offshore shell company, in the Bahamas.

2009 - British RAF station in Akrotiri Cyprus, run by the SIS. Closed in 2009. Another station called Cherry ripe transmitted number messages to the far east and Australia. (House of spies. Peter Matthews 2016).

2010 – European court of human rights commissioner and the Cypriot ombudsman. Human trafficking in Cyprus. Rantsev v Cyprus and Russia. (International human rights law. Oxford UK ©2014).

2012 - A Greek Cypriot in Nicosia, doctors investment 7 million Euros. Fund manager Maria Papa Costa. (The devils deal. Adreas Liozoi 2012).

18 April 2012 – Jack Malvern. Secret plan to deport troublesome Cypriot. The Times UK. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

13 Dec 2012 – EU observer Andrew Rettman Cyprus launches probe into Russian Mafia money laundering through Cyprus banks.

30 Oct 2013 - MEP Cyprus fines Nicos Anastassades to court membership of ... Cyprus case. EU Observer.

2014 - Petro Poroshenko stood for pres of Ukraine against Yulia Tymoshenico and won. Oligarch companies prse of Ukraine. Richer oligarch. 2014 Poroshenko assets. Prime asset partners ltd, the British virgin islands via Cyprus. Cyprus and Ukraine Roshev corp secure system. Mossack Fonseca offshore. (The Panama papers. BF Obermaier 2016).

28 May 2014 – Meth an emerging problem in Cyprus. Cyprus Mail. Growing use of crystal meth, as seizures doubled.

20 Oct 2014 – Ombudswoman stresses need to combat human trafficking. Famagusta Gazette. Cyprus Eliza Sawidou. Human rights violations.

10 Nov 2014 – Davos man Ackermann heads to Cyprus bank, backed by billionaires. Swissinfo.

11 Nov 2014 – Bank of Cyprus funded controlled by ex-KGB billionaire. Int business Times UK.

13 Feb 2015 - Cyprus Mail. Turkish authorities have been removing bodies from mass graves in Cyprus. A burial site with 71 missing people.

25 June 2015 - Olympic al-Jasem ... born 15 Oct 2010. Limessol Cyprus, Greek   7 on 25 June 2015  4 years old. Limassol Cyprus. 10 Dec 2016.

13 July 2015 - Spy,Turks,ISIS. Outgoing Cyprus spy chief. Joseph Fitsanakis. Intel news. Surveillance. Andreas Pentaras. Cyprus intel KYP from 2013.

29 July 2015 – Cyprus Mail. In Dec 1963 and Pres Makarios. The 70th anniversary of the newspaper.

13 Oct 2015 – Ancient origins. 2,400 year old tomb in Cyprus. Ancient Soloi northern Cyprus. Excavations from 2005 to 2006. Human remains found. Alicia McDermott. Three burial chambers, one had been looted. DNA on bones to ID them. Soloi and Athens 2,400 years ago, Greece.

2 Dec 2015 – Cyprus enforces Russian Mafia law. Hush up of Mafia scam. Cyprus police raid an office in Nicosia. EU Observer.

2016 - Cyprus and Ukraine. Mossfon. Petro Poroshenko. Int investment bank. int Inveit bank. (The Panama papers. BF Obermaier 2016).

2016 - Bill and Earl Browder US Communist party 1930 fraud Pavel Karpov. Stepanov bank accounts Credit Suisse. Cyprus based Arivust holdings. Hermitage gave info to Swiss attorney. Palm Jumeirh Dubai UAE. Jamison Firestone US lawyer ally of Browder. Ivan Cherkasov Russian lawyer working for Browder. Perepilictnyy gave documents Stepanov credit Suisse. (A very expensive poison. Luke Harding. 2016).

2016 - Fyodor Illanovich Popov. ISIS Turkey Russian EU Bank Rossiya Cyprus. Foreign banks in Cyprus Russia banker, ISIS troops in south , in north Kirkuk troops. UK troops border Turkey. (Robert Ludlum. The Bourne enigma. 2016).

3 Feb 2016 - http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/missing-persons-panel-in-cyprus-finds-1061-bodies.aspx?pageID=238&nID=94730&NewsCatID=359

29 March 2016 – Egypt Air plane hijacked diverted to Cyprus. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/egyptair-plane-hijacked/2016/03/29/09dd65ee-f579-11e5-9804-537defcc3cf6_story.html

3 April 2016 - The $2 billion offshore trail leads to Vladimir Putin. The Guardian UK. Igora, Ozon, Sandalwood. RCB of Cyprus. Ozon .. to Kovalchuk and a Cyprus company. Swiss lawyers Mossack Fonseca to shell companies. Ove financial corp in Oct 2012. Panama papers. Sandalwood continental loans in Cyprus. Russian Commercial bank RCB. Swiss accounts. A company called Ozon, shell companies registered in the British virgin islands.

10 Aug 2016 - Rare 4th century mosaic floor found in Cyprus, archeology. Thousands of years old, in Akakii village outside Nicosia. ABC news.

1 March 2017 - ... of two shell companies in Russia ... Cyprus. 

21 March 2017 - $21 billion money laundering scheme, moving money out of Russia  banks. in 2014. ABC news.

23 March 2017 - Cyprus banks tied to Paul Manafort. Trump campaign chief. ABC news, Offshore shell companies. Anti corruption.

24 March 2017 - ABC news, Cyprus gas oil search. Turkish threats. Turkish Cypriots.

29 May 2017 - A 4 earthquake. ENSC Seismo info. Twitter.

8 July 2017 - Bring up the bodies. Cyprus search for 2,000 missing people. New Statesman.

11 Aug 2017 - Shell companies. Asia Sentinel. TCR marketing CLL and child porn. Cyprus bank said to help porn ring launder money. 27 shell accounts called UBO in the UK. FBME bank Cyprus. John Berthelsen. int child porn ring laundering money through a bank in Cyprus. Kroll int. Kroll report payment for child porn, shell companies, LE cash. Russian Mafia shell companies found in the bank 6,500 accounts. The Kroll report. FBME laundering. Medina network. Numerous shell companies for money laundering.

3 Nov 2017 - The Hill. Cyprus gave Manafort bank records to Mueller. Avery Anapol.

5 Feb 2018 - TASS. Cyprus press Nicos Anastasiades wins press polls. 55.99 of votes election.

13 Feb 2018 - Reuters. Erdogan tells Cyprus not to test Turkey on gas standoff. Ankara. Greek Cypriots accused Turkish military of obstructing an Itvin vessels exploring for natural gas.

3 March 2018 - Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska ... citizenship of Cyprus. en.crime Russia.com Viktor Vekselberg.

10 April 2018 - AMN. Leith Aboufadel. A Russian A-50 jet circles the Syrian coast as the US threatens to attack. www.almasdar.news.com Lebanon. A US warship left nearby Cyprus for Syria.

12 April 2018 - Muslim migrants attack in Cyprus. Geller report. Terror 20 Muslim migrants. St Marys church. Leukossa.

15 April 2018 - Syria latest Youtube. British terrorist on red alert. Random topics. To flee Cyprus and WW3 fears. RAF Akrotiri Cyprus to bomb Syria. 25,000 British in Cyprus . Thousands of British tourists each year. Akrotiri base Cyprus 300 miles from Syria. Huge Russian community in Cyprus Limassol town to RAF Akrotiri 40,000 Limassolgrad.

30 May 2018 - Trump corruption. Dallas morning news. Cyprus is at the center of a circle of corruption surrounding Trump.

25 June 2018 - https://stv.tv/news/uk/1420360-tributes-paid-to-briton-killed-in-cyprus-hit-and-run/?utm_source=gplus&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=stvnews

20 July 2018 - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/07/19/skripal-novichok-suspects-identified-cctv-cameras/

15 Jan 2019 - AP. National Post. Cyprus top court hits back  at nepotism collusion. Nicosia Cyprus allegations attorney general brother, Judicial system. Nicos Clerides. lawyer.

28 April 2019 - Serial killer. ABC news. A suitcase with human remains was found in a Cyprus lake. Diver, suitcase. A woman one of the victims if military officer, 7 women and girls, suitcase at bottom of lake in Cyprus. Nepal, Philippines and  Romania. Petros Karadjias Menelaos. Hadjicosto. AP. Concrete block. 7 foreign women and girls, coroner. A 35 year old army officer, toxic lake copper. Philippines and Romania, from May to Dec 2017.  Sept 2016.

28 April 2019 - 3 A Greek Cypriot army officer.

29 April 2019 - Serial killer case, bady in suitcase, pulled from lake. NZ Herald.

29 April 2019 - Another suspected victim of the Cyprus serial killer has been found in a suitcase Newshub. Vote Molyneux. Body is the 4th to be found.
